Accelerator & Incubator Alumni Get Together

Es ist soweit: Das erste exklusive, programmübergreifende Alumni-Treffen der Startup-Szene Hamburg findet statt! Der AI.STARTUP.HUB lädt gemeinsam mit Körber Start-Hub, Next Commerce Accelerator, Next Media Hamburg, 105/Viertel und Impact Hub Hamburg die Ehemaligen aus Hamburger Startup Förderprogrammen zu einem Get Together ein. Wann: 6. August 2024 ab 6:30 Uhr Wo: SPACE, Am Sandtorkai 27, 20457 […]

AI Hangout Q3

We rely on swarm intelligence for AI questions: this is the Hangout! On August 14, we will focus on the hurdles and opportunities of artificial intelligence. Current batch, alumni, network partners and AI lovers of Hamburg, we meet in our office space in the Digital Hub in Hafencity. Everyone who is part of the AI […]

Coding Waterkant

Learning, networking & developing new ideas: Let’s go to @‌Coding.Waterkant! Bring your own AI project or find another team with exciting content: For 4 days, you have the opportunity to dedicate yourself entirely to inventing, coding and exchanging ideas with like-minded people. Whether you are advanced or brand new to the machine learning business, join […]


13.-14.06.2024, Kiel Waterkant, MFG 5 Kiel 2 Days Talks, Masterclasses, Workshops, Networking & Hands-on Experiences Experience futures_‍presented by the best speakers from politics, business and science, the most exciting start-ups from Northern Europe, the hidden champions of local SMEs and numerous interested people, rounded off with music, food and a festival feeling! _right on the […]

Graduation Day Batch III of the AI.STARTUP.HUB

Be there when we celebrate the nine startups of our third batch of the AI Accelerator! We look forward to the founders, good mood and good drinks. A total of 9 startups went through the program and worked intensively with our mentors for 6 months on their business models. Finally, the founders will pitch one […]

Bergfest Summer Batch 2024

Half-time for our Summer Batch 2024 teams! For 3 months, they have been turning their visions into reality in the Ideation or Accelerator program. Now we are curious to see what progress they can already show us. On July 10, all the startups come together for the Bergfest and pitch like crazy. Each team is […]

Q1 Hangout X Open House

Every other month, we’ll get together for an evening and two teams of our AI Ideation & AI Accelerator program will pitch their ideas and their biggest challenges to the AI-crowd. As we will invite our Spring/Winter Batch Alumni, partners and AI-friends, you’ll have the opportunity to talk to the teams of our last Batch […]

Hanseatic Hackathon in Lübeck

Nutze AI und mache einen Unterschied!Bist du bereit, die Zukunft zu gestalten und Künstliche Intelligenz für die lokale Wirtschaft und Institutionen einzusetzen? Möchtest du lernen, wie man KI in der Praxis anwendet? Willst du dein persönliches Portfolio erweitern und wertvolle Netzwerkkontakte in Wirtschaft, zu (sozialen) Einrichtungen und in die Wissenschaft knüpfen? Dann werde Teil des […]

The Hamburg Startup Community chooses STARTERiN Hamburg 2024

Our goal: to improve the visibility of female startup founders who are shaping our city, as well as their active networking with decision-makers and investors. The award is cross-industry and aims to show how female and diverse the Hamburg startup ecosystem really is. Now it’s your turn! Female founders or teams of female founders from […]

Mid-Batch Check-in (AI.Bergfest)

After 3 months in the program, you’ll get together with your advisor to have a look at your progress. This will also be a chance for you to pitch your biggest problem to the other teams and AI mentors and get valuable feedback. Is there a burning question that might be answered by other AI […]

Application Info Call 2024

Do you have questions about the Acceleration or Ideation program? Are you unsure which program is right for you? Have you already applied and would like to find out more about the next steps? Or do you just want to get to know the AI.Startup.Hub? Join our online Info Call for the Summer Batch 2024 […]

AI Hangout Q1

Every other month, we are getting together for an evening and two teams of our AI Ideation & AI Accelerator program will pitch their ideas and their biggest challenges to the AI-crowd. As we will invite our Spring/Winter Batch Alumni, partners and AI-friends, you will have the opportunity to talk to the teams of our last Batch […]