AI Ideation Program

Do you have a bright idea in the field of artificial intelligence or have you done research in this field? Would you like to turn this concept into a prototype? If you live in Northern Germany, then apply now for our 6-month AI Ideation Program and receive extensive support for the implementation of your idea.

Application Requirements

We are looking for committed students and researchers from universities and research institutions as well as all AI enthusiasts from the Hamburg metropolitan region and Northern Germany.

  • You have a business idea or have done research in the field of AI and would like to turn your results into a product and business model. 
  • Ideally, you have the opportunity to complete the AI Ideation Program full-time. 
  • You are aiming to create a startup based on your submitted idea. 
  • You are looking forward to sharing ideas, insights and learnings with other AI teams and want to grow together.
  • You want to become active members of our AI.STARTUP.HUB community and participate in workshops & training on site.
  • You are at least two people in the team
  • You are able to participate in face-to-face events in Hamburg at least 1 day a week

Legal Application Requirements

  • At least one of your team members is registered in Northern Germany. 
  • At the time of application, you are not receiving any other public funding for your submitted idea. 
  • You have not yet founded a company and are not registered in the commercial register.

What does the AI Ideation Program look like?

As part of the AI Ideation Program, you will receive support in 6 key areas over the course of 6 months: Financial support, a workplace in the heart of Hamburg and individual mentoring. This is complemented by a broad workshop format on prototyping, AI and entrepreneurship as well as our AI Ecosystem Connector and the AI Toolbox.

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Up to three potential founders can be supported financially over a period of 6 months. The monthly funding (full- or part-time) is a sum of 1.500 EUR per month and founder if the program is done in full-time. Additionally, you can apply for a material allowance of up to 10.000 EUR to support your idea.


AI teams are supported by the teams of the Startup Port. Get into contact with our foundation counselors and validate and work out your AI idea and business plan and check your product market fit.

AI Ecosystem Connector

A one-of-a-kind ecosystem is formed by leading AI stakeholders from northern Germany and from German and international AI hotspots. We connect teams with partners that you will need on your road to success.

workplace (1)

We provide you with an office in the heart of Hamburg. A place to chat with other participants, put your business idea and your prototype into practice and meet the AI.STARTUP.HUB community.

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Al Startup Fundamentals equips Al teams with specific knowledge and competencies, such as fundamentals of company formation, digital business models, exponential innovation, data science or Al. In short: everything you need to build your prototype and your business model successfully.

AI & Tech-Support

Within different formats we connect you to the AI and startup community and support you with a variety of tools and services (e.g. consultation on patents or support with IT infrastructure and tools).

After the six-month AI Ideation Program, you will have the opportunity to prove what you have learned and pitch your AI prototype in front of business angels, VCs and representatives of the Hamburg and northern German startup landscape on our final pitch day.

Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to apply for further funding – such as the EXIST start-up grant from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection and the InnoFounder program from the Hamburg Investment and Development Bank. 

Of course, you will also remain an integral part of our AI.STARTUP.HUB community and can apply for our Accelerator Program.

Please fill out our questionnaire and attach a short project outline (maximum 2 pages – either in English or German). Please introduce your team and explain your idea.

You can apply easily via our form:

Register Now

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